Michael Cavlan from Minnesota is not your typical candidate for U.S. Senate. In addition to calling for an end to HMO mismanagement, corporate domination, and the Iraq occupation, he also wants independent investigations into 9/11, the death of Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-MN), and the 2004 presidential vote count in Ohio.
Cavlan anticipates that it’s natural for people to shy away from these subjects, for fear of getting it wrong. He qualifies, saying, “We’re not accusing anyone, we’re just asking questions.”
The questions are tough, however, and suggest the answers could shine a spotlight on what kinds of conspiracies may have been involved:
1. Why did WTC7, which was not struck by an airplane, appear to be a controlled demolition?
2. Why did the Minneapolis FBI arrive before the Duluth FBI at the Wellstone crash site in Eveleth?
3. How could Bush have won Ohio when exit polls, accurate to within 1%, showed Kerry winning by 4%?
Cavlan’s strategy appears crafted to a small but highly energized base, but he may also be tapping into a hidden but common sentiment in the electorate. As Cavlan describes it, “I raise these questions on the campaign trail and people say, ‘yeah’.” Cavlan is seeking Green Party endorsement. His web site is