After 15+ years, I finally switched banks, from TCF to Bremer. I opened my TCF account when I started working there, then quit the job a couple years later when I couldn’t adjust to the archaic technologies, cumbersome bureaucracy, and dysfunctional company politics. I kept the bank accounts though, even after TCF Chairman William Cooper became chair of the Minnesota Republican Party. I guess the last straw for me was the proposed TCF Stadium for college football. Under the plan, TCF pays just 15% for the naming rights, while the taxpayers are stuck with 40%.
Bremer, in contrast, operates under a philosophy of local decision making and community investment. The employees own 8% of its shares, and the Otto Bremer Foundation, a nonprofit charitable trust, owns 92%. It is one of the largest contributors to community causes in America today. Bremer grants in the Twin Cities include: African Refugee Support Services, American Indian OIC, Asian Women United of Minnesota, Catholic Charities, Clean Water Fund, East Side Arts Council, Habitat for Humanity, La Familia Guidance Center, Jewish Community Action, Minneapolis Urban League, Minnesota ACORN, Peaceworkers, Teens Networking Together, United Way, Whittier Alliance, YWCA, and hundreds more.