Will Joe Biden be the nominee?
Not Hillary Clinton? Not Michelle Obama? You don’t think Biden will suddenly get Covid? Now, if it starts to look like Biden is losing on purpose, that would fit the Green Party paradigm, that the powers that be pull the strings of both parties. Another scenario is that Biden needs to lose on purpose as part of a plea deal. I am not fond of that scenario, I would like to believe that people have a choice, but it might be the only way forward to a functioning democracy. I am open to the idea that both parties want to be moving targets right now. I think the Republicans are keeping their powder dry, waiting for the Democrats to lock in their choice for who will appear on the printed ballots. I think the Democrats know this, so they have used Covid as an excuse to push their convention back as far as allowable, immediately preceding the Republican convention. This gives them the option to switch candidates at the last moment, giving the Trump team less time to prepare opposition research. But I think the Trump team will be ready, no matter who the Democrats nominate. I think the Republicans want to be a moving target in terms of the location of their convention. Wait for the Democrats to hold their convention by teleconference, then maybe hold the Republican convention in person. Remember the Jacksonville location was canceled due to a surge in Covid cases, maybe they would just gather where there is not a surge. Announcing the location ahead of time might give the Democrats time to find more Covid cases, or attribute more deaths to Covid at that location. Republicans also might want the location to be a moving target for security reasons. Of course, the announced plan is to have the acceptance speech either at the White House or Gettysburg. Gettysburg, the Civil War battlefield, would be symbolic, because I believe we are currently in a Civil War, not North versus South, and hopefully not widespread armed combat, but a Civil War between the patriots and the cabal.