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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Hillary bad

Now that the “damn emails” are behind us, maybe the Sunday talk shows will turn to the real issues facing our country. I’m so glad I’m a Green, so I can speak the truth about Hillary Clinton...

Hillary is a tool for Wall Street, with ties to Walmart and Goldman Sachs. She has ties to the DLC, the same group that supported Bill Clinton. It was under Bill Clinton that banks were let into the stock market, which led to the 2008 financial collapse and all the problems we have today. Also under Clinton the disastrous North American Free Trade Agreement which shipped jobs overseas, inaction on climate change, continued devastation through mining, logging, and pollution, racial bias through welfare “reform”, and the advent of the for-profit prison industrial complex.

In the debate, Hillary Clinton confused capitalism with small business. She said she wants to stop the capitalists by asking them nicely. And BTW Chelsea’s husband is a hedge fund co-founder.

Hillary has copied Bernie Sanders on Keystone, TPP, and Marriage Equality. On TPP she has used “Clinton-speak” to leave the door open to support it in the future.

Hillary as Secretary of State was hawkish on Libya with no plan post-Gaddafi. 

As Senator, she voted for the Iraq War, the Wall Street bailout, the 2001 Patriot Act, the border fence, and to make it harder to declare bankruptcy. She does not support clemency for Edward Snowden. She supported detaining citizens without trial.

She is an awful, awful candidate.

Trajectories for Survival

BLM as opposed to BLDM

It’s not Black Lives Matter as opposed to All Lives Matter. It’s Black Lives Matter as opposed to Black Lives Don’t Matter. #BlackLivesMatter

Friday, October 23, 2015


HRC on TRMS admits that DOMA, DADT, and the crime bill were appeasements to Republicans.

She suggested that there are sensible Republicans in congress. On the Republican takeover of state legislatures, she did not mention the Koch brothers.

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Sanders-Clinton debate Oct. 13

I hope this comes up in the Sanders-Clinton debate October 13. Banks do not belong in the stock market. http://billmoyers.com/2015/07/16/hillary-clintons-mistake-on-glass-steagall/

Hillary will copy Bernie, but make no mistake, Hillary is the imposter. Bernie is the real deal. He opposed Keystone based on principle, not polls.

We need Sanders’ lead to be as big as possible, as early as possible, so we can turn our attention to giving him a Congress he can work with.

Trump and McKinney agree!

Interesting. Donald Trump and Cynthia McKinney agree. Both would have kept Gaddafi.

Republican guns

Other countries have mental illness, but not the same gun insanity. We need background checks and to close private sale loopholes. Whenever a mass shooting occurs, the blame must be placed squarely on the Republicans. Blood drips from Republican hands.