Is MNSure worth it?
I called MNSure, not for myself, but to compare it to TransChoice, a barebones plan offered through our union for part-time employees. The woman at MNSure was not able to help much. Her answers sounded curt, perhaps because of the volume of calls they must be getting. She said I would have to call TransChoice to find out what is and isn't covered. So far I've been out to their web site. It sounds like, at best, you would get just $100 for a physical exam, $150 for an x-ray, $100 for an ambulance trip, and $50 for an emergency room visit. My coworker would not even get that. So Obamacare might be a good alternative, but a lot more information would be needed. I think my coworker is paying about $92/month. On the MNSure web site I found a PreferredOne plan for $176/month but it has a $6,300 deductible. Recently I found more details but I'm not sure if they're complete.