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Monday, September 02, 2024

Election Emails with my City Council

Doing my part in my little corner of the world to say what needs to be done and get decision-makers on record.




Friday, August 23, 2024

Tim Walz is a monster.

Tim Walz is a monster. He abandoned his soldiers right before they went to war.[1]

Walz lets doctors rip babies out of the wombs of healthy mothers right before they are about to be born. The way Minnesota law is written, Satanists can use full-term abortion as a child sacrifice sacrament.[2]

Walz lets doctors amputate the breasts and penises of children. The courts can invoke child protection emergency custody for gender-affirming care.[3]

Tim Walz removed language in the Minnesota Human Rights Act explicitly stating that sexual orientation does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult.[4]

Walz was a tyrant during Covid. He closed churches but left liquor stores open. He limited how many guests you could have for Thanksgiving or Christmas.[5] He pressured people to get the death shot.[6] He required people to wear masks,[7] which rioters then used to hide their identities.

During the George Floyd riots, his wife left the windows open so she could smell the burning tires.[8]

He got married on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, and he has traveled to China 30 times.[9] One of his students said he is "Maoist to the core."[10]

Mao was a monster, and so is Tim Walz.

[1] https://web.archive.org/web/20050420004957/http://www.timwalz.org/pr.php?pr=1

[2] No mention of stage of pregnancy: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/145.409

[3] https://revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?number=HF0146&version=latest&session_number=0&session_year=2023

[4] https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?session=ls93&number=HF1655&session_number=0&session_year=2023&version=list

[5] https://www.fox9.com/news/stay-safe-mn-order-what-is-now-allowed-what-can-reopen-and-what-must-stay-closed

[6] https://mn.gov/governor/covid-19/news/?id=1055-493652

[7] https://mn.gov/governor/covid-19/news/?id=1055-441210

[8] https://www.dailywire.com/news/watch-walzs-wife-said-she-kept-windows-open-to-smell-burning-tires-during-george-floyd-riots

[9] https://alphanews.org/man-who-says-he-accompanied-walz-on-trip-to-china-calls-vp-candidate-maoist-to-the-core/

[10] https://alphanews.org/man-who-says-he-accompanied-walz-on-trip-to-china-calls-vp-candidate-maoist-to-the-core/

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Book review: Unhumans

My key takeaways...

Some people are smarter, stronger, and work harder. We might not always like entrepreneurs, but when we reward them, they can benefit society with their ingenuity, creativity, and productivity.

However, too much income disparity can lead to communism/nihilism. When communists kill the entrepreneurial class, there is a brain drain, and everybody suffers. Any wealth goes to a few people at the top, with infighting and even more income disparity than before, and the process repeats itself.

The US has a balance between social programs and a private sector economy. People may disagree over whether socialism leads to communism, and whether communism leads to dictatorship. The book has several examples of communism leading to dictatorship.

It is in the self-interest of rich people to prevent too much income disparity. If the rich people are capitalist, this prevents them from being killed by communists. If the rich people are communist, this prevents them from being killed by other communists. It's all about balance.

It's in the interest of everybody to have a balance between trade secrets and transparent processes. We want incentives for entrepreneurial ingenuity, but we also want to avoid a brain drain when it comes to essential goods and services.

When communism turns violent, it is crucial to fight back, but we want to do everything in our power to make sure it doesn't come to that. This means educating the people, and pushing back aggressively against communist ideas. Freedom of speech, yes, but rejection of communist ideas.

The communists hate Christianity, they hate the family, and they hate free creativity in the people. The communists want to destroy time-honored tradition and wisdom so that they can dictate what is right or wrong. 

The communists have infiltrated every aspect of government and society. They've been working at it for decades. They control the mainstream media. We all have a duty to understand this and to push back.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Exit poll spreadsheet, Aug. 2024


I exit polled my precinct, MN-Plymouth W-4 P-21, for the US Senate Primary.

This shows three columns of totals and percentages:

1. All votes cast including early voting.

2. Votes cast in person on Election Day at the polling place.

3. People who participated in the exit poll.

The two rightmost columns show the percentage who voted on Election Day, and of those, the percentage who participated in the exit poll.

The bottom line shows that 79% voted on Election Day, and 63% of Election Day voters participated in the exit poll.

Some of my observations…

Royce White received 53% in the exit poll, but only 45% in the official total. If White’s percentage was suppressed, it did not affect the statewide outcome.

Amy Klobuchar received 97% in the exit poll and 98% in the official total.

94% of Royce White voters cast their ballot on Election Day, while only 75% of Amy Klobuchar voters cast their ballot on Election Day.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Exit poll results Aug. 2024

Exit poll results from the August 13, 2024 US Senate primary. Minnesota, Plymouth W-4 P-21.

Friday, August 09, 2024

Royce on Race

Here's what Royce White said on War Room August 6.

"Well, here's what they are going to do. They are going to allow our movement to recast the George Floyd situation in hopes that a bunch of people can kick back up the dust of what happened in 2020, and not realize that everybody who put on a Black Lives Matter T-shirt is not a part of that organization. Even furthermore, there are many people who wore Black Lives Matter T-shirts that were greatly upset after George Floyd died about the LGBTQ agenda being pushed, and that's the split that you now see represented in Donald Trump leading with Black men. That all started back in 2020, and it's been building since 2012 when Black Lives Matter got started. So, we're going to see them try and kick back up the dust on the racial narrative as we would expect, and you're going to see Black people reject Tim Walz here in Minnesota, the same way that they reject Kamala Harris on the national stage. So, look for them to allow us to throw the first stone out there when it comes to 2020, and them try and say, 'hey look, they're still as racist as they've ever been.' But Black people are smarter than they've ever been in this country."

Sunday, July 21, 2024

7/13 thoughts after one week

When Trump was shot, I had just gotten home from work and saw a post from Donna Lee Duff in my Facebook feed. Minutes later, he was OK, and my first thought was, what are the odds of being grazed? I knew critics would say it was a false flag. I prayed for DJT, all involved, and especially the rally attendee who was killed and those injured.

Later I learned that the bullet took 0.18 seconds to arrive, enough time to turn the head 1 centimeter. Even if you held still at a planned moment, the wind is another factor. And there are reports that the shooter rushed it once he was discovered. Information supporting the belief that it was Divine Providence.

In chess, we are taught to think hard for our opponent. What about Space Force? An airplane would look supernatural to somebody who lived in the 1600s. Maybe there is still a scientific explanation that we just can't see.

Even if it was staged, it could still be for the good. Q and X22 have indicated that a scare event would be needed to wake the people up. I have always wanted the people to wake up without the loss of innocent lives. However, it may have been calculated that it had to be this way. I pray that this is not the case.

Two days after the assassination attempt, I wrote, "A false flag would benefit Trump, but what about a reverse false flag? Make it look like Trump staged it, even though he didn't? Or what if it was allowed to happen, just to show the extent of the corruption? But then how could the patriots take such a risk? Could this be a psy op? In my opinion, psy ops can go back-and-forth and around and around. I pray that we will get answers and positive outcomes."

Right now I feel the most believable explanation is that it was a miracle, in which case I want to give credit to the Holy Spirit.

Then there are the Secret Service failures at the highest levels, which others are researching and probably will be for years to come. The Secret Service Director said they couldn't put snipers on a sloped roof, but they did put snipers on a sloped roof. It's crazy that she can lie with impunity. What does she know that we don't? Is she at a point where she has nothing to lose? Are they about to attack us on a massive scale?

The jurisdictions of the Secret Service and the local police. The bystanders warning the cops about the shooter on the roof. The cops discovering the shooter. The Secret Service counter sniper startled by the would-be assassin. Not sure whether the shooter was friend or foe? A stand-down order in the earpiece? 

Acoustic evidence suggesting another shooter much further away. Eerie similarities to the JFK assassination. Will we finally have evidence of high treason, punishable by death?

I think Trump wants us to think for ourselves. Look at the chart that saved Trump's life. Detractors point out that the low point on the graph is not the last week Trump held office, but several months before. But while we are arguing about that detail, we see that illegal immigration increased quite a bit more under Biden.

Much complexity, much simplicity. Let us believe whatever the truth is, and pray for positive outcomes.

Election Integrity Steps

 O4A claims to identify industrial scale cheating, particularly large quantities of ballots mailed to commercial addresses. I contacted them and offered to help, but haven't been given any marching orders. I pray that their articles are Sun Tzu, Art of War, appear weak when you are strong. 

IV3 can be used by volunteers to challenge 100 voters at a time, and might help identify problems at the county level.

EPER is Expanded Post Election Review, and we can lobby our city councils to spot check more precincts by hand after the election. We already have PER, but it is at the county level, and only checks a few precincts.

VIP is the Voter Integrity Project, a Lindell plan to request an absentee ballot, but don't open it, bring it with you when you vote in person, and if they say you already voted, then you have evidence of identity theft.

Exit Polls can be conducted by citizen journalists. In Minnesota you will need media credentials, even if it is just a business card for your one-person blog. You can ask voters to fill out an anonymous written questionnaire.