Do the DECLAS halfway through the testimony, with Trump himself visiting the House hearing room.
First, closed hearing, get them on record denying things, then open hearing, get them on record delaying things, then DECLAS, then open hearing, confront them. Though Q says LL already cooperating. Today is the chess showdown, perhaps D5 the political showdown. May need reverse psychology to get the press to cover it.
Q says to watch the news 17 minutes before GHW Bush’s death. The context of the drop was a picture the day before of a Christmas tree at a hotel with initials HRC. Q had captioned it “We know.” It is believed there was an assassination attempt on Trump at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony. The 17th letter of the alphabet is Q.
Now, did Brenda Snipes act on her own, or get orders from higher up? We know that DWS, also from Broward, cheated Bernie with the debates, the DNC database, and the Hillary Victory Fund.
3 Senators sue to remove Whitaker. Are all the squares covered?
1. Kavanaugh 2. Panuccio 3. Francisco? 4. Rosenstein 5. Horowitz 6. Huber 7. Domestic spying 8. Private server 9. Pay for play 10. Uranium One 11. Election Fraud 12. Satanism, mass arrests. 13. Secret space program 14. Conspiracy theories throughout history declassified. Pearl Harbor, JFK, 9/11. Nazi’s, manufactured wars.
The pool of people Trump can tap for Acting Associate Attorney General is limited. The Associate Attorney General is next in the order of succession after the Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein. Jesse Panuccio’s 210 days as Acting Associate Attorney General are up September 19. After that, Trump could select Solicitor General Noel Francisco to be Acting Associate Attorney General, and then Francisco would be in line to become Deputy Attorney General once Rod Rosenstein is fired. Then Francisco could empower Inspector General Michael Horowitz and Utah prosecutor Michael Huber to begin arresting members of the cabal. After 210 more days, the political landscape may change, making it possible for Trey Gowdy to be confirmed by the US Senate for Deputy Attorney General.
8/28...Lots of Q drops overnight. I think Q is suggesting that rogue forces tried to provoke a nuclear confrontation, but the conspirators were identified and executed.
Q did not like McCain, who he called “No Name“. He (he/she/they) posted a picture which is thought to be from a surveillance camera, showing McCain meeting in London with Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, John P. Carlin, and Gina Haspel. Other pictures show McCain with people thought to be terrorists. I did a search on “No Name“ and got 18 drops.
Drop 1774 seems to be pro-Manafort, while drops 1508 and 1829 seem to be anti-Manafort. Maybe the Manafort and Cohen outcomes are to show that justice is blind. I still think that September 19 is an important date for the other side. Rod Rosenstein can be replaced and they can get honest judges in place then.
I was hoping to see secret space technologies, now there won’t even be a parade. Other predictions of mine that have not come to pass: Julian Assange freed, Rod Rosenstein testifying at Manafort trial, Trump declassifying FISA warrant.
The unredacted FISA warrant ought to break things open. Trump needs to wait a certain amount of time to get rid of Rosenstein, so that the replacement does not need to be confirmed by the Senate. Then Horowitz and Huber can spring into action. Why does the McCain Institute have a counterterrorism unit? Is it a secret army? Who is Nicholas Rasmussen? I think the unredacted FISA warrant will show that McCain conspired with Hillary and Obama to spy on Trump, try to impeach him, maybe worse.
7/30...Hillary is evil. Trump and Putin are saving the world from Hillary and the cabal. Hillary wanted to shoot down Russian planes over Syria. Russia and Syria have been fighting ISIS, which was supported by the cabal. Putin annexed Crimea because they didn’t want to be part of the European Union, which is controlled by the cabal. Trump’s airstrikes in Syria were probably against rogue CIA bases. Trump defeated the CIA in North Korea, and now he’s defeating the CIA in Iran. Have you ever witnessed so many pedophiles and child exploitation people brought down? Trump is fighting evil.
Q has been posting about Rosenstein and Ryan for some time now. Maybe this gets Congress on record before Trump declassifies? Maybe Trump backed off on Russia because he needs congressional votes on Rosenstein impeachment or contempt, or votes for Kavanaugh?
On the “meddling“ what Mueller has found so far is that some Russians took out some obscure, divisive Facebook ads which were a drop in the bucket in a multi million dollar campaign. They also tried to hack into some state databases. It is generally agreed that these actions did not affect the outcome, and that Trump was not involved. Countries do spy on each other, Obama spied on Merkel, the US has meddled in other countries’ elections in the past, and has no moral high ground here. What did affect the outcome of the 2016 election is public distrust of Hillary. There was a lot of Internet traffic to Wikileaks, which showed that Hillary colluded with the DNC, the media, the superPAC, the Clinton Foundation, and the Obama administration. The collusion with the superPAC was illegal but never prosecuted. The collusion with the media is why you are brainwashed. The WikiLeaks confirmed what many Berniecrats believed. The HRC Campaign cheated using the debates, the database, and Hillary Victory Fund Superdelegates. The Clintons were able to buy off so many people because they raised millions of dollars selling weapons to countries with human rights abuses. So Hillary has no one to blame but herself for losing the 2016 election. She campaigned in the wrong states, put her emails on an unencrypted server, used Bleachbit to hide the evidence. And who was the source of the WikiLeaks? Julian Assange said they cannot reveal the identities of their sources, but he said for sure that it was not Russia. Instead he offered a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever killed Seth Rich. Seth Rich was killed in an apparent robbery, but his billfold was not taken. I believe that Hillary‘s people killed Seth Rich. I believe in the Clinton body count. I believe they are Satanists and pedophiles. Bill flew on Jeffrey Epstein‘s plane. As for Putin, there are a lot of Russian nationals in Crimea who didn’t want to be part of the European Union. In Syria, the rebels trotted out a little girl who couldn’t even speak English, to make the situation in Syria look worse than it was. The nerve agent used in UK could’ve been a false flag. So when you talk about 17 agencies, all I can think of is, what a crock of shit.
I think their stories on Syria, Crimea, and the nerve agent are suspicious. How far we have come since the Iraq War, when Democrats stood for peace, to now, when they fan the flames of war and mimic Republican talking points.
Russia guilty of meme wars and poking around the edges. WikiLeaks real, but not from Russia.
I still think it was a leak, not a hack. Probably someone like Eric Braverman or Seth Rich.
And somehow people are guilty of “meddling“ when they expose the truth about how the HRC campaign colluded with the DNC, the media, the super PAC, the Clinton Foundation, and the Obama administration.
And the same FBI agents who were supposed to be investigating pay for play on the Hillary email server, instead came up with this Russian hacking myth. James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page.
Dems want to blur the two, so people won’t see their corruption. All countries spy on each other, that’s not the big story.
The debates, the database, the superdelegates, Hillary cheated Bernie. Nevada, Arizona, New York, California, irregularities all over. I am still furious. I get Bernie’s calculation, but I don’t want to have anything to do with it. I don’t like Trump’s policies, but in this case, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Executive order might be challenged in court for lax enforcement, but then we already had that.
I was against the wall, but if there is human trafficking, then I definitely want to put a stop to that. My understanding is that 17% of the children are arriving with their parents, the rest are either smuggled or trafficked. Trafficking is worse, because the children can be forced into sex or unpaid labor.
The IG report shows that the DOJ disregarded the safeguard of congressional oversight. They didn’t keep Congress informed. They didn’t hand over documents to Congress. The DOJ usually prosecutes, but now they are going to be defense. The figurative hunters become the hunted. I think someone needs to go to jail.
4/16...They’re saying that if Hillary had been elected, Ruth Bader Ginsberg would have stepped down, and Hillary would have replaced her with Loretta Lynch. In return, Lynch replaced the team that was investigating the Anthony Weiner laptop. The NYPD had to back down, or one of their own would’ve gone to jail for the death of Eric Garner.
1/20...So my guess is, if Hillary can spy on Trump, now Trump can spy on Hillary, and they have probably uncovered criminal networks. If we connect the dots, that’s how it looks. Why go to the trouble of having a personal server, unless you have something to hide? And the Mother Jones article showed the correlation between the contributions to the Clinton Foundation and the arms deals. We are hearing more and more stories about sexual harassment, human trafficking, and human rights abuse. At best, the super rich have allowed this to happen. They have a lot of power. Power to buy candidates, judges, and the media. The WikiLeaks show the collusion between the Clinton campaign, the DNC, the media, the Clinton Foundation, and the Obama administration. The Podesta code language, together with the creepy artwork, together with Bill Clinton’s trips with Kevin Spacey and Jeffrey Epstein, paint a disturbing picture. These behaviors probably continued, which would explain why Q says these people are stupid and they never thought they would lose.
In the game, Capablanca first pinned the opposing bishop to its queen. After trading pawns, he was able to move his rook down the left side, and push one of the pawns, threatening to queen. The final blow came when Capablanca used his light-squared bishop to capture a pawn and check the enemy king. Marshall resigned. The neighboring pawn was pinned by the other bishop, and there were too many threats from queen, rook, and pawn.
1/11...Sounds like the dossier was super shaky. Simpson trusted Steele as a source, and didn’t try to confirm anything. Simpson said that disinformation is a big part of intelligence gathering, especially in Russia. It’s not admissible in court, but he took it to the FBI anyway. And what was Hillary‘s translator doing at the meeting with Trump Junior?
12/29/2017...The Deep State is the government that remains in place, regardless of the president. It probably goes back to the Dulles brothers. Eisenhower warned us about the military industrial complex. Kennedy was assassinated after saying he wanted to break the CIA into a million pieces. Trillions of dollars went missing in Iraq under GW Bush. In government, the chain of command is not always clear, and secret departments can form. When I say Deep State, I also mean to include the Cabal. The Cabal is thought to be a triangle consisting of the Rothschilds, the Saudi elites, and George Soros. Throughout history, the Rothschilds have kept us in the dark through complex financial products. They play both sides of wars, and both sides of elections. When I say Deep State, I also mean to include the Bush and Clinton crime families. They established rat lines all over the world, where they could run drugs, weapons, and humans. They could launder money, steal elections, pay off judges. Hillary still controls the media narrative, and that’s why you believe that Trump conspired with Russia and WikiLeaks, even though Julian Assange has said that it was not Russia. Even though there is no evidence. The DNC never allowed the FBI to examine the DNC servers. Hillary cheated Bernie. When I say Deep State, I also mean to include the Awan brothers and the spy ring in Congress. It’s no wonder Congress can’t get anything done, they are probably all blackmailed. Both parties are corrupted by the Deep State. Those who were opposed to Trump’s policies needed to vote for another candidate, like Jill Stein.
Andrew Weissman attended Hillary‘s election party, and praised outgoing acting attorney general Sally Yates. Aaron Zebley represented long time Bill Clinton aide Justin Cooper. Jeannie Rhea represented Obama advisor Ben Rhodes. Peter Strzok was removed from the Mueller team after exchanging anti-Trump text messages.
10/13/2017...I thought Thomas Miller’s audio analysis was compelling. I work with waveforms when I edit my vocals. Investigators should show us the shell casings. They should search all the high vantage points. They should interview the helicopter pilots. Autopsies should look for bullet trajectories, and compare those to the cell phone videos. Also I’ve heard the bump stock doesn’t work when you’re using a bipod.
Do the DECLAS halfway through the testimony, with Trump himself visiting the House hearing room.
First, closed hearing, get them on record denying things, then open hearing, get them on record delaying things, then DECLAS, then open hearing, confront them. Though Q says LL already cooperating. Today is the chess showdown, perhaps D5 the political showdown. May need reverse psychology to get the press to cover it.
Q says to watch the news 17 minutes before GHW Bush’s death. The context of the drop was a picture the day before of a Christmas tree at a hotel with initials HRC. Q had captioned it “We know.” It is believed there was an assassination attempt on Trump at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony. The 17th letter of the alphabet is Q.
But those enduring to the end shall be saved. — Matthew 24:13
They want you divided....They want religious wars. — Q 563
[D]ec 5 — Q 2494
In his recent interview with Fox News in the Oval Office, Trump said that it was the same desk that JFK Jr. played under.
Now, did Brenda Snipes act on her own, or get orders from higher up? We know that DWS, also from Broward, cheated Bernie with the debates, the DNC database, and the Hillary Victory Fund.
3 Senators sue to remove Whitaker. Are all the squares covered?
Placeholders = 11/11 events which will be explained later?
(CA beach fire) I’m reminded of the retreating Iraqi vehicles at the end of Gulf War One, devastated by GHW Bush’s cluster bombs.
1. Kavanaugh 2. Panuccio 3. Francisco? 4. Rosenstein 5. Horowitz 6. Huber 7. Domestic spying 8. Private server 9. Pay for play 10. Uranium One 11. Election Fraud 12. Satanism, mass arrests. 13. Secret space program 14. Conspiracy theories throughout history declassified. Pearl Harbor, JFK, 9/11. Nazi’s, manufactured wars.
The pool of people Trump can tap for Acting Associate Attorney General is limited. The Associate Attorney General is next in the order of succession after the Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein. Jesse Panuccio’s 210 days as Acting Associate Attorney General are up September 19. After that, Trump could select Solicitor General Noel Francisco to be Acting Associate Attorney General, and then Francisco would be in line to become Deputy Attorney General once Rod Rosenstein is fired. Then Francisco could empower Inspector General Michael Horowitz and Utah prosecutor Michael Huber to begin arresting members of the cabal. After 210 more days, the political landscape may change, making it possible for Trey Gowdy to be confirmed by the US Senate for Deputy Attorney General.
8/28...Lots of Q drops overnight. I think Q is suggesting that rogue forces tried to provoke a nuclear confrontation, but the conspirators were identified and executed.
Q did not like McCain, who he called “No Name“. He (he/she/they) posted a picture which is thought to be from a surveillance camera, showing McCain meeting in London with Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, John P. Carlin, and Gina Haspel. Other pictures show McCain with people thought to be terrorists. I did a search on “No Name“ and got 18 drops.
Drop 1774 seems to be pro-Manafort, while drops 1508 and 1829 seem to be anti-Manafort.
Maybe the Manafort and Cohen outcomes are to show that justice is blind. I still think that September 19 is an important date for the other side. Rod Rosenstein can be replaced and they can get honest judges in place then.
I was wrong about the 11/11 military parade.
I was hoping to see secret space technologies, now there won’t even be a parade. Other predictions of mine that have not come to pass: Julian Assange freed, Rod Rosenstein testifying at Manafort trial, Trump declassifying FISA warrant.
CIA > $600 million computing cloud > Amazon > Jeff Bezos > Washington Post > 4 AM talking points > Mainstream media > anti-Q propaganda
The unredacted FISA warrant ought to break things open. Trump needs to wait a certain amount of time to get rid of Rosenstein, so that the replacement does not need to be confirmed by the Senate. Then Horowitz and Huber can spring into action. Why does the McCain Institute have a counterterrorism unit? Is it a secret army? Who is Nicholas Rasmussen? I think the unredacted FISA warrant will show that McCain conspired with Hillary and Obama to spy on Trump, try to impeach him, maybe worse.
7/30...Hillary is evil. Trump and Putin are saving the world from Hillary and the cabal. Hillary wanted to shoot down Russian planes over Syria. Russia and Syria have been fighting ISIS, which was supported by the cabal. Putin annexed Crimea because they didn’t want to be part of the European Union, which is controlled by the cabal. Trump’s airstrikes in Syria were probably against rogue CIA bases. Trump defeated the CIA in North Korea, and now he’s defeating the CIA in Iran. Have you ever witnessed so many pedophiles and child exploitation people brought down? Trump is fighting evil.
Q has been posting about Rosenstein and Ryan for some time now. Maybe this gets Congress on record before Trump declassifies? Maybe Trump backed off on Russia because he needs congressional votes on Rosenstein impeachment or contempt, or votes for Kavanaugh?
On the “meddling“ what Mueller has found so far is that some Russians took out some obscure, divisive Facebook ads which were a drop in the bucket in a multi million dollar campaign. They also tried to hack into some state databases. It is generally agreed that these actions did not affect the outcome, and that Trump was not involved. Countries do spy on each other, Obama spied on Merkel, the US has meddled in other countries’ elections in the past, and has no moral high ground here. What did affect the outcome of the 2016 election is public distrust of Hillary. There was a lot of Internet traffic to Wikileaks, which showed that Hillary colluded with the DNC, the media, the superPAC, the Clinton Foundation, and the Obama administration. The collusion with the superPAC was illegal but never prosecuted. The collusion with the media is why you are brainwashed. The WikiLeaks confirmed what many Berniecrats believed. The HRC Campaign cheated using the debates, the database, and Hillary Victory Fund Superdelegates. The Clintons were able to buy off so many people because they raised millions of dollars selling weapons to countries with human rights abuses. So Hillary has no one to blame but herself for losing the 2016 election. She campaigned in the wrong states, put her emails on an unencrypted server, used Bleachbit to hide the evidence. And who was the source of the WikiLeaks? Julian Assange said they cannot reveal the identities of their sources, but he said for sure that it was not Russia. Instead he offered a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever killed Seth Rich. Seth Rich was killed in an apparent robbery, but his billfold was not taken. I believe that Hillary‘s people killed Seth Rich. I believe in the Clinton body count. I believe they are Satanists and pedophiles. Bill flew on Jeffrey Epstein‘s plane. As for Putin, there are a lot of Russian nationals in Crimea who didn’t want to be part of the European Union. In Syria, the rebels trotted out a little girl who couldn’t even speak English, to make the situation in Syria look worse than it was. The nerve agent used in UK could’ve been a false flag. So when you talk about 17 agencies, all I can think of is, what a crock of shit.
Mueller was the FBI director who found the pristine passport in the wreckage of 9/11.
This comment has been removed by the author.
I think their stories on Syria, Crimea, and the nerve agent are suspicious. How far we have come since the Iraq War, when Democrats stood for peace, to now, when they fan the flames of war and mimic Republican talking points.
Russia guilty of meme wars and poking around the edges. WikiLeaks real, but not from Russia.
I still think it was a leak, not a hack. Probably someone like Eric Braverman or Seth Rich.
And somehow people are guilty of “meddling“ when they expose the truth about how the HRC campaign colluded with the DNC, the media, the super PAC, the Clinton Foundation, and the Obama administration.
And the same FBI agents who were supposed to be investigating pay for play on the Hillary email server, instead came up with this Russian hacking myth. James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page.
Dems want to blur the two, so people won’t see their corruption. All countries spy on each other, that’s not the big story.
The debates, the database, the superdelegates, Hillary cheated Bernie. Nevada, Arizona, New York, California, irregularities all over. I am still furious. I get Bernie’s calculation, but I don’t want to have anything to do with it. I don’t like Trump’s policies, but in this case, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Executive order might be challenged in court for lax enforcement, but then we already had that.
I was against the wall, but if there is human trafficking, then I definitely want to put a stop to that. My understanding is that 17% of the children are arriving with their parents, the rest are either smuggled or trafficked. Trafficking is worse, because the children can be forced into sex or unpaid labor.
The IG report shows that the DOJ disregarded the safeguard of congressional oversight. They didn’t keep Congress informed. They didn’t hand over documents to Congress. The DOJ usually prosecutes, but now they are going to be defense. The figurative hunters become the hunted. I think someone needs to go to jail.
4/16...They’re saying that if Hillary had been elected, Ruth Bader Ginsberg would have stepped down, and Hillary would have replaced her with Loretta Lynch. In return, Lynch replaced the team that was investigating the Anthony Weiner laptop. The NYPD had to back down, or one of their own would’ve gone to jail for the death of Eric Garner.
“How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” — Revelation 6:10
1/20...So my guess is, if Hillary can spy on Trump, now Trump can spy on Hillary, and they have probably uncovered criminal networks. If we connect the dots, that’s how it looks. Why go to the trouble of having a personal server, unless you have something to hide? And the Mother Jones article showed the correlation between the contributions to the Clinton Foundation and the arms deals. We are hearing more and more stories about sexual harassment, human trafficking, and human rights abuse. At best, the super rich have allowed this to happen. They have a lot of power. Power to buy candidates, judges, and the media. The WikiLeaks show the collusion between the Clinton campaign, the DNC, the media, the Clinton Foundation, and the Obama administration. The Podesta code language, together with the creepy artwork, together with Bill Clinton’s trips with Kevin Spacey and Jeffrey Epstein, paint a disturbing picture. These behaviors probably continued, which would explain why Q says these people are stupid and they never thought they would lose.
In the game, Capablanca first pinned the opposing bishop to its queen. After trading pawns, he was able to move his rook down the left side, and push one of the pawns, threatening to queen. The final blow came when Capablanca used his light-squared bishop to capture a pawn and check the enemy king. Marshall resigned. The neighboring pawn was pinned by the other bishop, and there were too many threats from queen, rook, and pawn.
1/11...Sounds like the dossier was super shaky. Simpson trusted Steele as a source, and didn’t try to confirm anything. Simpson said that disinformation is a big part of intelligence gathering, especially in Russia. It’s not admissible in court, but he took it to the FBI anyway. And what was Hillary‘s translator doing at the meeting with Trump Junior?
12/29/2017...The Deep State is the government that remains in place, regardless of the president. It probably goes back to the Dulles brothers. Eisenhower warned us about the military industrial complex. Kennedy was assassinated after saying he wanted to break the CIA into a million pieces. Trillions of dollars went missing in Iraq under GW Bush. In government, the chain of command is not always clear, and secret departments can form. When I say Deep State, I also mean to include the Cabal. The Cabal is thought to be a triangle consisting of the Rothschilds, the Saudi elites, and George Soros. Throughout history, the Rothschilds have kept us in the dark through complex financial products. They play both sides of wars, and both sides of elections. When I say Deep State, I also mean to include the Bush and Clinton crime families. They established rat lines all over the world, where they could run drugs, weapons, and humans. They could launder money, steal elections, pay off judges. Hillary still controls the media narrative, and that’s why you believe that Trump conspired with Russia and WikiLeaks, even though Julian Assange has said that it was not Russia. Even though there is no evidence. The DNC never allowed the FBI to examine the DNC servers. Hillary cheated Bernie. When I say Deep State, I also mean to include the Awan brothers and the spy ring in Congress. It’s no wonder Congress can’t get anything done, they are probably all blackmailed. Both parties are corrupted by the Deep State. Those who were opposed to Trump’s policies needed to vote for another candidate, like Jill Stein.
Andrew Weissman attended Hillary‘s election party, and praised outgoing acting attorney general Sally Yates. Aaron Zebley represented long time Bill Clinton aide Justin Cooper. Jeannie Rhea represented Obama advisor Ben Rhodes. Peter Strzok was removed from the Mueller team after exchanging anti-Trump text messages.
10/13/2017...I thought Thomas Miller’s audio analysis was compelling. I work with waveforms when I edit my vocals. Investigators should show us the shell casings. They should search all the high vantage points. They should interview the helicopter pilots. Autopsies should look for bullet trajectories, and compare those to the cell phone videos. Also I’ve heard the bump stock doesn’t work when you’re using a bipod.
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