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Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The Master Demagoguer at work

US Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN) said that Kofi Anand should resign as UN Secretary General, even if he had no knowledge of abuse within the UN Oil for Food program. If that reasoning holds, then Bush should resign for the Abu Ghraib prison torture scandal.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a diversionary tactic, considering the possible US and Halliburton complicity in the abuse. As I understand it, Coleman isn’t even in charge of the investigation, former Fed chair Paul Volker is.

I heartily dislike Coleman and I hope Franken kicks his ass in 2008.


At Thu Dec 09, 05:52:00 AM CST, Blogger Sheryl said...

Kofi Annan is the best thing that's happened to the United Nations in years. I think he's absolutely fantastic!!! That's why Bush hates him--because he is about tolerance, multiculturalism, and helping the poorer nations of this world get some control over their lives.

Actually I should not use the word tolerance. I was just watching the UN program on unteaching intolerance, and one of the points that was made was that tolerance is a bare minimum. That you tolerate someone that you are not all that excited about. But that what was needed in the world is not merely tolerance, but coorperation. That sort of thinking is visionary and beautiful and no doubt scares the shit out fascists, who would use people's fears as a control mechanism. And do.

At Thu Dec 09, 09:27:00 AM CST, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

When he debated Wellstone, Coleman talked about “changing the tone” in Washington. Franken has a funny chapter “Who created the tone?” in his “Lies” book.

At Sun Dec 12, 09:37:00 AM CST, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

He has mentioned the possibility.


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