11,000 lethal injections
By and large, kids don’t die from Covid. Masks on kids is child abuse. “Othering“ kids by making the un-injected wear masks is a way to persecute opponents of the current dictatorship. Turning kids against their parents is what Hitler youth was all about. Forced injections is a violation of the Nuremberg code. Nazi defendants at Nuremberg were executed for war crimes. Covid was cover for the fake ballots. The fake ballots were needed so that the current dictatorship could continue their crimes, including rampant child trafficking at our southern border. People who think they are saving lives could actually be pedo apologists. Is the number of injection deaths higher due to underreporting? Yes, I believe so. Is the number of virus deaths lower due to false positives? Yes, I believe so. I would not be surprised if injection deaths are higher than virus deaths. Let’s follow the science, which will take decades, because the long-term side effects are not known. If you want to be part of the experiment, good for you special K, but leave other people alone!
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