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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Progressive Perspectives

Highlights from Progressive Perspectives, a 1995 cable TV show I hosted with Frank Collins, Tracy Hassan, and Sherri Lessinger. 


At Sun Apr 13, 10:48:00 AM CDT, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

Part 1
1/Alcohol, Firearms/Mary Jo McGuire
2/General/Frank, Tom, & Tracy
3/General/Frank & Tom
4/General/Frank & Tom
5/Economic Fairness/Sherri Lessinger
6/Small Business/John Kolstad
7/Environment/Leo Cashman
8/Environment/Leo Cashman
9/General/Frank, Tom, & Tracy
10/General/Frank, Tom, & Tracy

Part 2
11/American Values/Brennan Foley
12/American Values/Brennan Foley
13/Animal Rights/Richard Laybourne
14/Animal Rights/Richard Laybourne
15/Military Spending/Bob Lamb
16/Military Spending/Bob Lamb
17/Labor Unions/Dick Mitchell
18/Labor Unions/Dick Mitchell
19/New Party/M.J. Maynes
20/Income Disparity/Diane Steen-Hinderlie
21/Income Disparity/Diane Steen-Hinderlie

Part 3
22/Human Rights/Paul Schulte
23/Voyageurs National Park/Kevin Proescholdt, Rip Rapson
24/Audubon/Dick Reynolds
25/Green Party/Jo Haberman, Cam Gordon
26/Mercury Fillings/Kip Sullivan
27/Mercury Fillings/Kip Sullivan
28/Tax Increment Financing/Al Sands
29/Population Balance/David Paxson, Kari Olson
30/Population Balance/David Paxson, Kari Olson
31/Health Care/Jon Youngdahl
32/DFL, Marty Campaign/Jon Youngdahl

At Sun Apr 13, 12:20:00 PM CDT, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

In show #1, Mary Jo McGuire tries to prevent gun violence, long before school shootings tragically became so common.

In show #4, Frank Collins and I have some good things to say about Mark Dayton. Later I would campaign against Dayton, helping with the second radio ad for Farheen Hakeem in 2010.

In show #5, Sherri Lessinger talks about "trickle up" economics. In recent years progressives have asserted that consumers are the real job creators.

In show #6, John Kolstad talks about the 94-96%. Later, the 99% would be a main theme of the Occupy movement.

In show #8, Leo Cashman warns about nuclear radiation, after Chernobyl but before Fukushima, noting the dangers of radiation near water.

In show #9, Frank Collins predicts extreme traffic congestion in the coming years.

In show #11, Brennan Foley asks who will benefit from automation, foretelling the double-edged sword of convenience and job loss.

In show #13, Sherri Lessinger anticipates the rising popularity of organics, and Richard Laybourne anticipates the depletion of resources.

In show #15, Bob Lamb predicts the two-war fantasy, six years before 9/11 and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

In show #17, Dick Mitchell worries about mercenaries, before Blackwater and Haliburton.

In show #20, Diane Steen-Hinderlie laments the income disparity that would lead to the economic collapse of 2008.

In show #22, Paul Schulte notes the emergence of the Internet.

In show #22, I said traditional politicians would like to silence Wellstone. The 2002 campaign was bitter, and after Wellstone was killed, I think that the DFL dropped the ball. Franken heals the wound somewhat, but is not quite as progressive a voice in my opinion.

In show #25, Cam Gordon talks about City Council, and I talk about holding officials accountable. Cam was later elected to City Council, and at times I have held him accountable, on Tim Dolan and most recently on Velma Korbel.

In show #29, David Paxson projects that population will go from 5.7 billion in 1995 to 11.5 billion in 2037. The world population is 7.2 billion in 2014, which could be on track based on what he said about exponential growth.

In show #31, Jon Youngdahl makes the case for Single Payer Health Care, explaining many facts that still hold true today. He also acknowledges the usefulness of cell phones!

At Sun Apr 13, 06:38:00 PM CDT, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

It was great to see Cam Gordon and Diane Steen-Hinderlie at the local Green Party meeting today. We discussed how best to move forward with the Southwest LRT line. After the meeting I had coffee and a great visit with progressive activists Doug Mann and Michael Cavlan. I first met those guys in 2006.

At Mon Apr 14, 10:11:00 AM CDT, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

In show #19, M.J. Maynes mentions the Greenback Party. I would later learn more about this party in "The Web of Debt" by Ellen Brown. I'm convinced that throughout history, there have been smart, logical, good movements, but you just don't hear about them, or rarely hear about them, because there have also been selfish people in power, seizing the attention of the majority, by deception, force, or both.

At Wed Apr 23, 05:50:00 PM CDT, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

In show #32, Tracy Hassan points out the setbacks to healthcare reform when Hillary Clinton was First Lady.


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