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Friday, August 09, 2024

Royce on Race

Here's what Royce White said on War Room August 6.

"Well, here's what they are going to do. They are going to allow our movement to recast the George Floyd situation in hopes that a bunch of people can kick back up the dust of what happened in 2020, and not realize that everybody who put on a Black Lives Matter T-shirt is not a part of that organization. Even furthermore, there are many people who wore Black Lives Matter T-shirts that were greatly upset after George Floyd died about the LGBTQ agenda being pushed, and that's the split that you now see represented in Donald Trump leading with Black men. That all started back in 2020, and it's been building since 2012 when Black Lives Matter got started. So, we're going to see them try and kick back up the dust on the racial narrative as we would expect, and you're going to see Black people reject Tim Walz here in Minnesota, the same way that they reject Kamala Harris on the national stage. So, look for them to allow us to throw the first stone out there when it comes to 2020, and them try and say, 'hey look, they're still as racist as they've ever been.' But Black people are smarter than they've ever been in this country."


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