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Saturday, January 22, 2005

Kerry a “safe vote” against Rice

In a committee vote this week, only two Senators, Barbara Boxer and John Kerry, voted against the confirmation of Condoleeza Rice as Secretary of State. I believe they could afford to do this because other Senators like Democrat Joe Biden voted in favor. Biden has a lower profile and can get away with it, and is very good at explaining away bad votes. If Kerry had voted to confirm Rice, however, I think there would have been cries of outrage among the liberal populace.


At Sat Jan 22, 08:45:00 PM CST, Blogger Sheryl said...

Glad he voted against her though. Barbara Boxer is certainly earning her weight. Think she wants to run for President next time, or is just standing up for her beliefs?

At Mon Jan 24, 09:44:00 PM CST, Blogger Sheryl said...

Oh yeah, I was going to let you know that I posted a few pics on my blog from the protest in DC. Thanks for your kind words about my participation in it. :) Hope all is well your way.

At Tue Jan 25, 07:11:00 PM CST, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

I don't see you in any of the pics!

At Sat Jan 29, 05:57:00 PM CST, Blogger Sheryl said...

Hi Tom,

I didn't actually hand my camera to anyone to take my pic, although a lot of people took pictures of me with my sign. The folks at counter-inaugural.org are starting a listserve for sharing pics, so maybe one of me will show up once they get that organized.

I noticed that the french press mentioned my sign slogan, which I borrowed from somebody who posted in one of our blogs after the election. I think it was my blog. Someone posted that Bush didn't realize that cheating didn't equate to a mandate. I thought that was a good idea for a sign slogan, so I made a sign that said ," it's not a mandate when you cheat." Lots of people seemed to enjoy and/or hate my sign. :)

The french press picked it up and included it in a story, and so I was looking and their article was distributed in Asia and Australia (all over the place.) That was pretty cool. :) Whereas it wasn't really my idea, it made a good sign slogan.

But if you have any doubts I was there, I can scan my plane tickets. :) I scanned the congressional business cards for the offices I visited, but I haven't posted them on my blog yet. Maybe I will do that tonight.

At Sun Jan 30, 06:43:00 PM CST, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

Very cool. Keep me posted.


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