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Sunday, August 29, 2004

How dare Bush?

How dare Bush call himself a patriot, let alone worthy of the presidency? Kerry fought in Vietnam, even though he was against the war. Bush didn’t fight in Vietnam, even though he was for the war. The swift boat vets against Kerry weren’t even on his boat. All the vets on Kerry’s boat support Kerry. Moore's Letter to Bush

Still, our "two-party" system is forcing us to choose between a war candidate and a war candidate, when polls show rising opposition to the occupation. Voting for Nader is the right thing to do! Military and Corporate Occupation


At Wed Sep 01, 12:52:00 PM CDT, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

Kerry has backed away somewhat from his earlier criticisms of the Vietnam War. This may make it more difficult to counter the Swift Boat Vets for Lies latest tack against Kerry’s earlier claims of war crimes in Vietnam.

At Wed Sep 01, 10:38:00 PM CDT, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

Not sure if Kerry has released x-rays showing the shrapnel he still carries to this day. I would think it would have the makings of a good photo op, inviting bipartisan doctors and the media to witness the x-ray creation and analysis.

At Sat Sep 04, 09:13:00 PM CDT, Blogger Sheryl said...

The guy who formed this group has had it out for Kerry since in 1971, when he was working with Nixon because he didn't like Kerry saying that war atrocities were committed in Vietnam.

I just looked up some articles about this yesterday for a gent here in Blogger. He thought my Austin American Statesman article I mentioned might be biased, so I sent him all these links to ponder:

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/ID/4534274 ==
http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-oneill28aug28,0,7810656.story?coll=la-headlines-nationI also suggest comparing the names of his donors from the group's IRS filings with the Federal Elections Commission's donor database.

At Thu Sep 09, 07:36:00 AM CDT, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

The thought crossed my mind, what if Clinton’s heart surgery was faked to provide a convenient excuse to keep him off the campaign trail without Kerry having to play the heavy? Could Clinton possibly be why the Democrats didn’t get a “bounce” in the polls after their convention? I don’t have access to the focus group results, so I’m just taking a blind swing here.

Then again, the news did say that Clinton ate a lot of rich foods, and his cholesterol had gone way up. Of course, we all pray for the former president’s speedy recovery. I’m the first to admit I’m almost certainly wrong on this one. Just the same, it would be nice to see his x-ray too, or at least some stitches!

At Sat Sep 11, 04:08:00 PM CDT, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

Bush isn’t afraid to send others into harm’s way, but he sure did everything he could to get out of Vietnam. We now know that strings were pulled to get him into a safe assignment, and then he didn’t even fulfill that obligation. The 187th Tactical Squadron should have a reunion just to drive home the point that Bush was nowhere to be found. He didn’t show up for a physical. Maybe those were his coke-snorting days.

Dick Cheney got three college deferments, and when that was no longer allowed, he got married, and when that was no longer allowed, his wife had a baby.

I wouldn’t have wanted to fight either. But these are men who supported the war in Vietnam and are now sending our kids to fight and die in Iraq, not for weapons of mass destruction, but for oil, as admitted by Newt Gingrich on Meet the Press Sunday (9/5).

They really think the American people are that stupid, and apparently they are!

At Mon Sep 13, 03:35:00 PM CDT, Blogger Sheryl said...

Some folks figure that the Clintons weren't real tickled Kerry, because Hillary was wanting to run for Pres eventually and Edwards would be tough to beat. She did have a sour puss expression on her face through most of the convention. I used to like her a lot more.

And of course, the Clintons were promoting Clark in the primary. I imagine that Clinton's heart problems are for real. But who knows--the Clintons are very politically savy.

At Mon Sep 13, 09:59:00 PM CDT, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

I noticed Hillary looked particularly sour during Dean's speech!

At Wed Sep 15, 01:24:00 PM CDT, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

Were the CBS docs faked using a word processor not available in 1972? If so, it could be to discredit all the other legitimate evidence regarding Bush’s AWOL status. It could be a way to maintain the competitive balance of the two establishment parties. As of this writing, CBS has not held its announced press conference on this subject.

At Fri Sep 17, 08:34:00 AM CDT, Blogger Sheryl said...

Regarding the lettermy ex-boyfriend just put two and two together for me, because I have not been paying much attention to the news lately.

Earlier this year I was working on a campaign for a friend David Van Os, who is running for State Supreme Court here. Anyway, he came in at one of our debate parties and said he had evidence from one of his clents about Bush's Vietnam record. That was literally ages ago though, so I didn't connect the dots. But apparently that's the evidence that is now under fire.

Dad said they pointed out there was in fact in typewriter back then that made that kind of character. I think he said it was a celectric. What I do know is that David very much believed in this letter and that you will not find a more honest politician than David Van Os. Now as to whether his client is for real--hard to say.

At Sun Sep 19, 08:44:00 AM CDT, Blogger Tom Cleland said...

Maybe the secretary saved her shorthand notes and somebody at CBS reconstructed the memos. Just a wild guess.


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